Small & Enterprise Business IT Consulting

Cloud server solutions, Multi-domain cloud-based mail servers, Digital cloud telephony, Integrated enterprise automation systems, Managerial accounting of distributed trading and logistics enterprises, Terminal access systems , Information security, Delimiting accesses, Organization of online stores , Technologies for integrating different systems, Organization processing centers, Organization of economic accounting of franchising associations, Automation of service centers , Inventory control, Automation of manufacturing enterprises, Remote monitoring financial indicators, Employee time registration, Automated reporting, Video surveillance and access control systems, Marketing interaction with partners and customers, Dealer price control, Wholesale and retail orders collection systems , Software development, Information Security, Prototyping, Business logic development , Design, Introducing new technologies, Internet stuff , Implementing CRM and ERP, Windows and Linux Servers, User training, Website development, Mining and Trading Crypto-currencies Managing content, CSS, PHP, HTML, JS, Opencart, WordPress, Remote support and maintenance of organizations Simulation of business processes, Administering cloud servers , Data processing, Critical thinking and brainstorming, Google Analytics, Implementing a backup and recovery plans, Optimize Aichi Infrastructure, Migrating the existing infrastructure to the cloud , Implementing programs with open code, Optimizing user interfaces and user experience Programming, Restoring, Storage and processing of corporate data, Internet technology, Virtualization , Ergonomics, Tech Support.

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